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About Us

Winning Souls for Christ

Church Of Christ

Matthew 16:18; And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it

The Church of Christ at Edmonton is a branch of the universal Church of Christ which Jesus Christ our Lord established and is recorded in Acts of the Apostles. The Church of Christ at Edmonton belongs to Christ and it was through the efforts of about 5 families who used to worship at Kings Cross Church of Christ that helped to launch the Church in 2001 at Edmonton. 

The Lord has blessed the Church in various ways and from a humble beginning; the spirit of the Lord has been with His Church both spiritually and numerically. Today the congregation has approximately 80 Adults and 50 Children and we continue to see growth in all areas of the Church.

Who We Are

What We Believe

We believe that nothing happens unless you pray. It is an atmosphere of possibilities which we believe God for impossible situations to turn around for our good by the word of faith through our Prophet Edward Benson. 


We are professional and reliable provider since we offer customers the most powerful and beautiful themes. Besides, we always catch the latest technology and adapt to follow world’s new trends to deliver the best themes to the market.

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Contact info

Worship Service: 9am

Fasting & Prayer: 6pm

Bible Study: 5pm